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address() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.TransferDestination
Returns the value of the address record component.
amount() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.TransferDestination
Returns the value of the amount record component.


blob() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockTemplate
Returns the value of the blob record component.
Block - Record Class in net.lageto.monero.rpc.model
Represents a block in the blockchain.
Block(BlockHeader, String, List<String>) - Constructor for record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.Block
Creates an instance of a Block record class.
BlockHeader - Record Class in net.lageto.monero.rpc.model
BlockHeader(int, long, long, String, long, int, int, long, boolean, String, long, long) - Constructor for record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockHeader
Creates an instance of a BlockHeader record class.
blockSize() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockHeader
Returns the value of the blockSize record component.
BlockTemplate - Record Class in net.lageto.monero.rpc.model
Represents an un-mined Monero block.
BlockTemplate(String, String, long, long, long, String, String, int, String, long) - Constructor for record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockTemplate
Creates an instance of a BlockTemplate record class.


coinbaseHash() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.Block
Returns the value of the coinbaseHash record component.


daemonRpcClient() - Method in class net.lageto.monero.rpc.spring.MoneroRpcAutoConfiguration
DaemonRpcClient - Interface in net.lageto.monero.rpc
Represents a connection to a Monero P2P daemon.
depth() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockHeader
Returns the value of the depth record component.
difficulty() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockHeader
Returns the value of the difficulty record component.
difficulty() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockTemplate
Returns the value of the difficulty record component.


equals(Object) - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.Block
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockHeader
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockTemplate
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.TransferDestination
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
expectedReward() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockTemplate
Returns the value of the expectedReward record component.


getAddress() - Method in interface net.lageto.monero.rpc.WalletRpcClient
Return the wallet's first address.
getAddressAsync() - Method in interface net.lageto.monero.rpc.WalletRpcClient
Asynchronously get a wallet's first address.
getBalance() - Method in interface net.lageto.monero.rpc.WalletRpcClient
Get the wallet's balance, including currently locked/un-spendable Moneroj.
getBalanceAsync() - Method in interface net.lageto.monero.rpc.WalletRpcClient
Asynchronously get the wallet's balance, including currently locked/un-spendable Moneroj.
getBlock(long) - Method in interface net.lageto.monero.rpc.DaemonRpcClient
Get a block header and the transaction hashes it contains by its height.
getBlock(String) - Method in interface net.lageto.monero.rpc.DaemonRpcClient
Get a block header and the transaction hashes it contains by its hash.
getBlockAsync(long) - Method in interface net.lageto.monero.rpc.DaemonRpcClient
Asynchronously get a block header and the transaction hashes it contains by its height.
getBlockAsync(String) - Method in interface net.lageto.monero.rpc.DaemonRpcClient
Asynchronously get a block header and the transaction hashes it contains by its hash.
getBlockCount() - Method in interface net.lageto.monero.rpc.DaemonRpcClient
Look up how many blocks are in the longest chain known to the daemon.
getBlockCountAsync() - Method in interface net.lageto.monero.rpc.DaemonRpcClient
Asynchronously look up how many blocks are in the longest chain known to the daemon.
getBlockHeader(long) - Method in interface net.lageto.monero.rpc.DaemonRpcClient
Fetch a block's header by its height.
getBlockHeader(String) - Method in interface net.lageto.monero.rpc.DaemonRpcClient
Fetch a block's header by its hash.
getBlockHeaderAsync(long) - Method in interface net.lageto.monero.rpc.DaemonRpcClient
Asynchronously fetch a block's header by its height.
getBlockHeaderAsync(String) - Method in interface net.lageto.monero.rpc.DaemonRpcClient
Asynchronously fetch a block's header by its hash.
getBlockTemplate(String, int) - Method in interface net.lageto.monero.rpc.DaemonRpcClient
Create a block template.
getBlockTemplateAsync(String, int) - Method in interface net.lageto.monero.rpc.DaemonRpcClient
Asynchronously create a block template.
getCode() - Method in exception net.lageto.monero.rpc.RpcException
The error code that caused this exception.
getDaemon() - Method in class net.lageto.monero.rpc.spring.MoneroRpcProperties
getUnlockedBalance() - Method in interface net.lageto.monero.rpc.WalletRpcClient
Get the wallet's unlocked balance.
getUnlockedBalanceAsync() - Method in interface net.lageto.monero.rpc.WalletRpcClient
Asynchronously get the wallet's unlocked balance.
getWallet() - Method in class net.lageto.monero.rpc.spring.MoneroRpcProperties


hash() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockHeader
Returns the value of the hash record component.
hashCode() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.Block
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockHeader
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockTemplate
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.TransferDestination
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashingBlob() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockTemplate
Returns the value of the hashingBlob record component.
header() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.Block
Returns the value of the header record component.
height() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockHeader
Returns the value of the height record component.
height() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockTemplate
Returns the value of the height record component.


lageto.monero.rpc - module lageto.monero.rpc
This module provides clients for interfacing with the Monero crypto-currency P2P and wallet daemons over their HTTP RPC protocols.
lageto.monero.rpc.spring - module lageto.monero.rpc.spring
This module provides auto-configuration for creating RPC clients in Spring Boot applications.


majorVersion() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockHeader
Returns the value of the majorVersion record component.
minorVersion() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockHeader
Returns the value of the minorVersion record component.
MoneroRpcAutoConfiguration - Class in net.lageto.monero.rpc.spring
MoneroRpcAutoConfiguration(MoneroRpcProperties) - Constructor for class net.lageto.monero.rpc.spring.MoneroRpcAutoConfiguration
MoneroRpcProperties - Class in net.lageto.monero.rpc.spring
MoneroRpcProperties() - Constructor for class net.lageto.monero.rpc.spring.MoneroRpcProperties


net.lageto.monero.rpc - package net.lageto.monero.rpc
Provides clients for interfacing with the Monero crypto-currency P2P and wallet daemons over their HTTP RPC protocols.
net.lageto.monero.rpc.model - package net.lageto.monero.rpc.model
Contains objects that RPC methods may return or use as parameters.
net.lageto.monero.rpc.spring - package net.lageto.monero.rpc.spring
newInstance(URI) - Static method in interface net.lageto.monero.rpc.DaemonRpcClient
Create a new instance of a DaemonRpcClient
newInstance(URI) - Static method in interface net.lageto.monero.rpc.WalletRpcClient
Create a new instance of a WalletRpcClient
nextSeedHash() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockTemplate
Returns the value of the nextSeedHash record component.
nonce() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockHeader
Returns the value of the nonce record component.


orphanStatus() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockHeader
Returns the value of the orphanStatus record component.


prevHash() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockHeader
Returns the value of the prevHash record component.
prevHash() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockTemplate
Returns the value of the prevHash record component.


reservedOffset() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockTemplate
Returns the value of the reservedOffset record component.
reward() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockHeader
Returns the value of the reward record component.
RpcException - Exception in net.lageto.monero.rpc
An exception representing a failed RPC request.


seedHash() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockTemplate
Returns the value of the seedHash record component.
seedHeight() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockTemplate
Returns the value of the seedHeight record component.
setDaemon(URI) - Method in class net.lageto.monero.rpc.spring.MoneroRpcProperties
setWallet(URI) - Method in class net.lageto.monero.rpc.spring.MoneroRpcProperties
submitBlock(String) - Method in interface net.lageto.monero.rpc.DaemonRpcClient
Send a mined block for broadcast to the network.
submitBlockAsync(String) - Method in interface net.lageto.monero.rpc.DaemonRpcClient
Asynchronously send a mined block for broadcast to the network.


timestamp() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockHeader
Returns the value of the timestamp record component.
toString() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.Block
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockHeader
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.BlockTemplate
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.TransferDestination
Returns a string representation of this record class.
transactionHashes() - Method in record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.Block
Returns the value of the transactionHashes record component.
transfer(List<TransferDestination>) - Method in interface net.lageto.monero.rpc.WalletRpcClient
Transfer Moneroj from this wallet to one or more recipients.
transferAsync(List<TransferDestination>) - Method in interface net.lageto.monero.rpc.WalletRpcClient
Asynchronously transfer Moneroj from this wallet to one or more recipients.
TransferDestination - Record Class in net.lageto.monero.rpc.model
Represents a destination when transferring Moneroj.
TransferDestination(String, long) - Constructor for record class net.lageto.monero.rpc.model.TransferDestination
Creates an instance of a TransferDestination record class.


walletRpcClient() - Method in class net.lageto.monero.rpc.spring.MoneroRpcAutoConfiguration
WalletRpcClient - Interface in net.lageto.monero.rpc
Represents a connection to a Monero wallet.
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